Career Planning and Coaching

Combining a psychology background with extensive interviewing, assessment centre and corporate recruitment experience to explore options, set goals, provide CV and interview skills training and support for groups and individuals undergoing personal and career transitions, my aim is to give you the resources, knowledge and confidence to take control of a future that excites you.

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Recruitment Advice and Support for Small Businesses

Congratulations if your business has grown to the point where you need to take on your first, or another, employee!

Perhaps you are here because you need to replace someone who didn't work out and you don't want to make the same mistake twice?

I appreciate that you have worked hard to build your business. That it provides you, and maybe others, with a hard-earned income and that you want to protect your business and your reputation. I also appreciate that you are an expert in what you do, but may be left floundering when it comes to recruitment.

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Change Management and Outplacement Support

Organisational change and restructuring has a huge impact on a business and its people before, during and after the event.

Ambiguity and uncertainty leading up to the change is a significant source of stress for employees, which often leads to productivity and performance issues and can result in counterproductive workplace behaviours and animosity toward the employer.

The negative impact of change can be reduced by helping your employees through this difficult phase by offering various types of support.

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